Cook + On-Call Milieu Therapist
Uses She/Her pronouns
Angela is a Registered Counselor Agency Affiliate (CAAR #CG61325228) in the state of Washington.
Angela holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington in Psychology with a minor in Nutritional Sciences. She is actively pursuing a graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Due to her lived experience, Angela is passionate about access to food and mental health care for all regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or socio-economic status.
With a background in culinary science and experience as a home chef, Angela loves to cook and enjoys bringing this passion to work in cooking experientials. She strives to share this love for the creativity of cooking with others and believes that it can be a source of healing in recovery. Angela believes in the bidirectional relationship between community and food, working to foster authenticity and connection in her work with others.
Outside of her work at Opal, you can find her enjoying the outdoors, listening to a podcast, or exploring a new creative endeavor. She is a PNW native and loves to talk about all that this gorgeous area of the state has to offer. Angela is a lover of animals, an enneagram type two, and an INFJ.
Angela has professional interest and advanced training in: ADHD/ADD, RO-DBT, family systems, attuned/intuitive eating, ASD, CBT, culinary skills, DBT, depression/anxiety, animal-assisted therapy, HAES, family therapy, LGBTQIA+ issues/ gender affirming care, sex therapy/sex positive, somatic psychotherapy, systems of oppression, trauma, women’s health, disability mental health