Intake Specialist + Milieu Therapist
Uses She/Her pronouns
Romaney is an Agency Affiliated Registered Counselor license in the State of Washington (CG61524454)
Romaney just moved to Seattle from Vermont. Romaney had been in Vermont her whole life and went to college at the University of Vermont, where she studied Environmental Science, with a minor in Health and Society and a certificate in Integrative Health. Romaney took Fundamentals of Nutrition as a prerequisite to another class her junior year. Her professor, Dr. Lizzy Pope, taught with a weight-inclusive perspective and emphasized HAES and intuitive eating. HAES and intuitive eating granted her a way to think about food and body image that finally made full sense. Since then, she has been pursuing food- and body- liberation and preaching it to anyone who will listen! She is so excited to be working at Opal and help those recovering to find freedom from diet culture. This is her first job related to ED recovery. She is really grateful to be here and looks forward to continuing to explore Seattle and the PNW.