Family + Relationship Therapy
We value relationships and align with the research which points to the benefit of including Family + Relationship therapy in a client’s treatment plan. Through our Family + Relationship therapy/group we create opportunities that promote healthy relationships and effective relational boundaries for our clients and whomever they identify as their family/supporters.
Weekly Family+Relationship sessions offered to PHP and IOP clients. These are held with the client and the people in their life they identify as key to their healing and recovery.
We also host our weekly Family+Relationship group on Tuesdays. These evenings rotate between a group learning experience and a process/discussion group. During our group learning experiences we discuss topics like communication, love languages, Opal’s philosophy about food and movement and an array of other topics pertinent to a client’s support system being effective supporters.
It is our hope that in providing supportive experiences with clients’ family and loved ones that their “real world” will be more suited to support the recovery they have experienced while at Opal.