Associate Clinical Director
Uses She/Her pronouns
Tahney is Associate Clinical Director. Her own recovery from eating disorders was far from linear, which gives Tahney an understanding of the messiness of the recovery process and offers hope to her clients.
Tahney is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (#LH60197103) and a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor (#6296) who brings years of experience to her work at Opal. She finds joy in providing therapy to clients, as well as in mentoring therapists through supervision.
Throughout her time in this field, Tahney has been struck by the link between relational styles and eating disorders leading to a profound interest in attachment work. Often, eating disorders are characterized by an avoidance of body, desire, pleasure, and appetite. Tahney has found that working to reconnect to ones’ body in recovery often leads to an exploration of sex and sexuality, another area of
passionate interest and educational pursuit.
Tahney is an avid traveler and thrives on new experiences. Fun fact: Tahney has a dream, fiercely pursued, but as yet unfulfilled, to be on The Amazing Race.
As a cis, white, thin, able-bodied person, Tahney is aware of her many dominant identities and the privilege she holds and is committed to remaining uncomfortable in pursuit of change and growth.
Tahney has professional interest and advanced training in: attachment, attuned/ intuitive eating, Health at Every Size, RO DBT, sex therapy/ sex positive, trauma.