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Teenagers aged 16-19 are welcome at Opal !

When the pressures of being a teenager gets too much and an eating disorder arises, Opal is here to help.

The teen years are full of opportunities to learn, have fun and grow-up but sometimes an eating disorder can get in the way of academics, athletics and other extra-curricular activities.  This can be a painful experience for teens and their families.

Opal helps teens address their eating disorder, along with depression, anxiety, OCD, trauma, and more.  Opal’s treatment offerings help teenagers learn tools and catch a vision for life on the other side of their eating disorder. 

We offer:

  • Partial Hospitalization (6-10 hours a day, 5 days a week) 
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week).

Program Highlights

Family + Relationship Therapy

Teenagers are often still dependent on their families.  Opal’s overall treatment philosophy strongly integrates loved ones into the treatment experience.  Parents and families are able to be a part of weekly Family+Relationship Therapy, done virtually or in-person.       

Please note, we do not adhere to a Maudsley Method or Family Based Treatment model.  

Academic Hours

During 10 hour treatment days teens can work on schoolwork during designated times.  

Mon 10:30-12:30

Tues 10:30-12:30

Thurs 3:30-5:30 

In-Person Clinic in Seattle

We offer all of our services in-person.  We highly value the personalized support that in-person treatment can offer including:



1;1 sessions

Family + Relationship Group

Weekly we offer a Family + Relationship Group for parents, spouses, loved ones and friends.  This group is heavily relied on by parents of teenagers to get support from other parents and Opal staff.  

Structure of group:

Every other week– topic/education, led by a Opal staff. 

Every other week– process group, led by Opal staff Therapist. 

Are you a teenager and identify with the following? Maybe Opal is the place for you!

✔ Involved in sports, dance, or other activities

✔ High achieving + perfectionistic

✔Care about others deeply and sometimes have a hard time caring for yourself

✔ Knowing about nutrition and fitness has become an obsession

Still wanting to learn more...

Who do we serve?

We help teens with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, OSFED, and Orthorexia.


Would you like to learn more about our Family+Relationship Therapy approach and offerings?

What's included in Treatment?

Body Wisdom Skills Class

Clients learn and practice body based skills– learning about polyvagul theory and somatics.

Process Group

Meets daily. Clients are given an opportunity to process emotion and practice interpersonal/relational skills in a semi-structured environment.

Radically Open DBT Skills Class

This twice weekly class helps clients decrease emotional loneliness and targets the overcontrolled temperament

Meals and Snacks

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are opportunities to eat in community and be exposed to a wide variety of foods while being therapeutically supported. 

Nutrition Education

A Dietitian-led group that offers education about food and nutrition, as well as process time to gain insight into one’s relationship with food.

Re-thinking Sport and Exercise Process

Increases self-awareness regarding beliefs, mindset and behaviors around sport, exercise and movement and helps identify areas for behavioral experimentation. 

Family + Relationship Programming

A weekly experience that allows loved one’s the opportunity to meet Opal staff, meet other loved ones, and learn more about Opal’s treatment approach. Includes process groups, presentation nights and more.

Exposure Therapy + Aftercare

Provides therapeutic support for clients to plan for life after treatment, Also, offers staff supported Exposure + Response Prevention for those with OCD.

Team meetings

Clients and their providers meet as a team on a weekly basis to
discuss individualized treatment goals and progress towards recovery.

Movement Group

Offers creative ways for clients to engage their bodies in exercise,
movement and sport. This group allows clients to practice new skills, increase flexibility, and connect to their bodies.

Deconstructing Diet Culture Class

A class where clients learn and discuss diet culture and its alternatives, like non-diet an Health at Every Size® (HAES) frameworks. 

Self- Inquiry Group

A time to challenge our core
beliefs and learn from distress rather than automatically attempting to regulate, distract, change, deny or accept.